Today is the birthday of my father, Louis Travis, on January 17, 1918, the prophetic year World War 1 ended. 1+1+7+1+9+1+8= 28=10=1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was also born on this day.
Today’s message from the universe is: The Center For World Peace. Love: Saving humanity from itself, one soul at a time. “Know thyself.” Jesus quoting Psalm 82:6- “I have said, you are Gods. And all of you are children of the most High….arise O, God, judge the earth, for thou shalt inherit all nations.” Let’s put this in a modern context from an ancient real life perspective. God does not “judge” the earth. In the story of Jonah the King of the Nineivites was warned that if his “nation” did not change their (very negative)ways the nation would perish. Guess what! The people of Nineva changed their ways and “God changed its mind”. As i have said before, this event of God changing its mind was not an act of God but rather a quantum event of cause and effect. This is the lesson for humanity today. We are “Gods, children of the Most High” so we, by inheritance, have powers like God. Our greatest power is the power to Love. By loving one another we can save humanity from itself by not being divided but by being United (28) as One. When we do this, we bring Heaven(28)the kingdom of God down to earth. God Commanded this to Muhammad(may peace be upon his soul) in the Holy Koran. “Be not divided.” “Trump says he is going to take back the White House.”
NOT SO FAST Mr. Trump! There’s a new sheriff in town. New moon in Capricorn conjunct my natal moon in Capricorn. Sending off a complete package to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and the Royal Foundation for the Earth- shot contest to “tackle climate change.” Very auspicious time for this to go off to London and Kensington Palace.
Sir Richard Branson and the Virgin Earth Challenge could not grasp the concept of Mind Technology back in 2009 to remove GHG’s from the atmosphere. Maybe Prince William has a team at the Foundation who will examine the proposition and see that what I am proposing is the only immediate viable solution not only to clean up the atmosphere and reverse global warming but to shift the consciousness of humanity to a higher vibration. On January 15th the Sun will conjunct my natal moon in Capricorn. Martha has begun the social media campaign with a ground up re-do of the Center For World website and we are now firmly in the race to change the negative trajectory of humanity. Stay tuned to this station. MESSIAH FOR HIRE
My services and fees are free. Albert Einstein: “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from medeiocre minds.” Albert Einstein: “Condemnation prior to investigation is the highest form of ignorance.” |
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