In prior blog posts I pointed out Mr. Trump was the 45th = 9 president. Election day November 3, 2020 = 9. Trump won with 306= 9 electoral votes in 2016=9. Now, to seal the deal, President Elect Joe Biden appears to have won 306=9 electoral votes. “What goes around comes around.”
9 9 9 9 9 Can the message be any clearer? Donald Trump is truly the “ending”of this political Cycle. Remember, Trump was the 28th=1 presidential nominee. 1 + 9 = 10= 1. So Mr. Trump’s two numbers are the numbers that God declared for Itself in Revelation 22:13. “ I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending. “ The implications of the numbers are enormous. The 28 is the encoded number. Trump is the “last” of his kind. He was the true representative of human’s lower base self. President Elect Biden will be the 46th=1 President. His administration is best suited to be the vehicle for the Christ consciousness which is coming to humanity. Trump’s energy was incompatible. The shift in consciousness is nearly upon us. Bruce
Today, on this master frequency day of 22/4 in a # 22/4 master frequency year, ie, 2020=22, President Joe Biden became the 46th=10=1 President of the United States of America and Kamala Harris became the first woman Vice President elect and the first woman of color and Asian descent in our history. 46 according to the Qabala is the number of the Sun. With the Sun comes light and life.
Donald Trump was the 45th=9(ending) president of the US. Now, go to my blog post for January 8, 2020. IAMLOVE.TV. Here is what I said almost exactly 10 months ago to the day. “Here is what’s coming in 2020. The spiritual revolution will finally manifest. On January 12, 2020, Pluto, Saturn, Sun and Mercury will be at 22 degrees of Sagittarius in the tropical system*....These energies are the death blow to Mr. Trump who is the opposite of everything this energetic combination represents. With every ending comes a new beginning. Trump is exiting the stage along with his corrupt and crooked ilk. He is the 45th president of the United States and 4+5=9 which represents the ending; the Omega point.( President elect Joe Biden is the Alpha point; the beginning.) I was born in 1948, a master 22/4 year. “ Is this recurring 22 a coincidence or part of an intelligent design of incomprehensible magnitude? It is also interesting to note that the last time the state of Georgia elected a Democratic president was Bill Clinton in 1992. Now 28 years later the state of Georgia elects the next democratic president. 28 years. 28 is the encoded number. * The tropical system is relevant here and not sidereal because the masses of humanity are not vibrating fast enough to handle the energetic of the Vedic eastern system. For the most part, a divided humanity is living in the false reality of illusion and duality represented by the tropical western astrological system. In other words: You are not who you think you are. Peace, Bruce |
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