On December 28, 2017 I wrote an offer on a parcel of land I had for sale in Huelo, Maui, Hawaii not too far past Door Of Faith Road. The property description, aka, the TMK (tax map key) was 2-2-9-plat 10, parcel 028. We did not think the property had a water meter making it more difficult to sell. While we were in escrow we discovered there was an agreement recorded in the Bureau of Conveyance in Hawaii granting the property a sub-water meter. The agreement was recorded 8-04-2014=19=10. The document number is: A-53290252=28=10=1. The sale was supposed to close On February 20, 2018 but was delayed until February 23rd.The title company discovered the easement from Hana Highway to the property had not been recorded so the closing was delayed to February 28, 2018. Heaven, numerologically = 28 and this property is truly a piece of heaven.
December 28=10 Plat 10 Parcel 28=10. Water agreement #A-53290252=28=10. Recorded on:8-4-2014=19=10. Closed escrow on February 28th=10. The address of the property is 7960=22 The price was $470,000=11 Two master numbers prominent in my life. Coincidence?? Or a marker in time? Bruce
I began reading Dan Brown's book: Origin. Let's see what Robert Langdon has up his sleeve. The Sun is conjuncting my Mid heaven at 20 degrees. Jupiter is squaring my Mid heaven also at 20 degrees and this is a good thing. I have believed for several years that the Creative Force of the Universe (CFU) (the university of cosmic knowledge and truth) has a veil over me which is part of its Intelligent Design of holding in abeyance my energetic frequency which is attuned to the will of God. Wow!!
The I Ching readings over the years have confirmed this. " What's good for the goose is good for the gander!" The veil is over all of humanity as well as me and no one is excluded. The veil will be lifted at the "appointed time." The recent blood moons in early January 2018 and recently the rare 150 year event super, blue, blood, full lunar eclipse moon on January 31st was a "sign" in a sequence of signs that began accelerating in 1492 with the first tetrad blood moon sequence on Jewish High holidays pointing to this "appointed time." Repeating a pattern from a few years back we have yet another alignment of energies as "signs." Good Friday on March 30th Passover on March 31st Easter Sunday on April 1st My 70th birthday on April 2nd. Remember the events on April 2nd from an earlier blog post? Two of the four tetrad blood moons were on April 2nd and a Jewish high holy day. What is the statistical probability of this occurrence? And Pope John Paul II passing over on April 2nd; and the movie the Matrix premiering on Maui on April 2nd? Coincidence? Mahatma Ghandi, born on my brother's birthday of October 2nd, exactly 180 days between April 2nd and October 2nd; also Robert Stone's birthday as well. So, Mahatma Ghandi left this earth on January 30, 1948, I reincarnated on April 2, 1948. (The Reappearance of the Christ was published in 1948) and Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948 fulfilling the prophecy of the parable of a "fig tree" in Matthew 24:32-35; Luke 21:29-33 and Mark 13:28-31. The re-birth of Israel was the "mother of all prophecies" because it was encoded with the cipher and timeline to Jesus's so called "second coming." So, we are very, very close to the lifting of the veil and the long awaited shift in consciousness. Peace, light and light and love, Bruce "almighty!" Just kidding folks; Just kidding. The shark was named Bruce so there are two sides of the coin. I think both movies came out the same year. March 30, 2018-Good Friday
March 31, 2018- Passover April 1, 2018- Easter. Jesus Christ Superstar live on NBC. April 2, 2018. Bruce's 70th birthday Jesus Christ Superstar live on NBC on April 1, 2018, Easter Sunday. My 70th birthday is on April 2nd. Coincidence? - Bruce
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