10+14+2+0+2+0=28= 10=1. OK! Here we go. Mercury went retrograde today and will go direct on election day November 3, 2020 a # 9 day.
11+3+2+0+2+0=9. The retrograde starts on a #1 day and ends on a #9 day. The Alpha and the Omega. God is in control of its plan for humanity but humanity has a choice in that plan. Get out and VOTE.
Rome. Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed and that the world NEEDS A NEW TYPE OF POLITICS that promotes dialogue and solidarity and rejects war at all costs...aimed at inspiring a REVIVED SENSE OF THE HUMAN FAMILY..preaching on the injustices of the global economy and its destruction of the planet and pairs them with his call for GREATER HUMAN SOLIDARITY to confront the “dark clouds over a closed world.”
WWW.IAMLOVE.TV Enlightened Society For Global Transformation The James Bond 007 movie No Time To Die will not be released until 2021. Very interesting!
Aloha, Today is the birthday of my older brother Dr. Craig R. Travis MD ( Immugen Pharma LLC) and Mahatma Ghandi. It is my 1/2 birthday. Yesterday President Donald Trump and his wife tested positive for Covid-19 and today he entered Walter Reid Hospital. This is a perfect manifestation of Mars retrograde. According to Vedic astrologer Joni Patry: “We are on the eve of major social uprisings and violent events with the transit of retrograde Mars. Mars is actually retrograde from September 9-November 14, but while in Pisces it is actually more dangerous from October 4-December 24. During this time, there will be events that will change the world forever...These are times that will be historically remembered as some of the most ground-shaking events. It is a dangerous time for those in political office especially President Trump. Great caution must be taken.” This confirms everything i have been saying all year and year’s past. “The events that will change the world forever...the most ground-shaking events” will be most clearly manifest from November 3, 2020 to January 20, 2021. Hang on to your hat the chaos is beginning to accelerate. Donald Trump tested positive for the Corona Virus today and another 13 or more also tested positive after the Rose Garden ceremony. His wife Melonia and son Baron also tested positive. Talk about Chaos! Wow!! “PRIDE GOETH BEFORE THE FALL.” The handwriting is on the wall. Bruce |
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