On February 12, 2024 I ran into the shock rock star "Alice Cooper" at the Safeway supermarket in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. The last time I ran into Alice was maybe 30 or more years ago somewhere else in Kihei. I somehow felt my meeting him again was for a reason so I did a little metaphysical research into this encounter. As we talked for about five to seven minutes it became clear something extraordinary was going on. Here is what I discovered.
Alice Cooper and Bruce Travis are both #28 numerologically. Both Alice and Bruce were born in 1948 nearly exactly two months apart. Alice was born on February 4, 1948 and turned 76. Bruce was born on April 2, 1948 and will turn 76. 2+4+1+9+4+8 = 28=10=1; Alice born. 4+2+1+9+4+8 = 28=10=1; Bruce born. 4+2 is the inverse of 2+4. When Alice Cooper was born the sun was in Aquarius 14*35' When Bruce was born his Mid-heaven was in Aquarius 20*17'. Bruce's natal Sun is in the 11th House (Aquarius). Both Bruce and Alice have their Mercury in Pisces. Alice 2* 51'. Bruce 19* 29' Alice's Venus 21* 13' of Pisces is conjunct Bruce's Mercury in Pisces 19* 29'. I see this as a collaboration of heart and mind. Both Bruce and Alice have Jupiter in Sagittarius. Alice 21*58'. Bruce 28* 41' Both Bruce and Alice have Saturn retrograde in Leo. Alice 19* 37' and Bruce 15* 56'. Both Bruce and Alice have Uranus in Gemini. Alice 22* 23' retrograde and Bruce 22* 35' direct only 12 celestial minutes apart. Uranus is the planet of sudden occurrences. Both Bruce and Alice have Neptune retrograde in Libra. Alice at 12*52' and Bruce at 11* 36'. Both Bruce and Alice have Pluto retrograde in Leo. Alice 13* 45' and Bruce 12*39'. Alice's moon is in Sagittarius 13* 7'. Bruce's moon is in Capricorn 24*23' Both Alice and Bruce have the north node retrograde in Taurus. Alice 19* 31' and Bruce 14* 34'. Both have their south nodes in Scorpio. Both Alice and Bruce were born Jewish. Both Alice and Bruce lived at Lake Point Tower in Chicago, Illinois. Bruce lived on the 28th floor of Lake Point Tower in 1977 to 1981. (He kept the apartment until 1988). Alice lived on the 38th floor of Lake Point Tower in the early 1980's. Alice lives at the top of Maui Meadows on Kumulani Drive. Bruce lived at the top of Maui Meadows on Kumulani drive while he was building their house in Wailea Kialoa 1/2 mile from Maui Meadows. Both Alice and Bruce owned Maserati Ghibli sports cars with similar colors. Both Alice and Bruce are musicians. Both Alice and Bruce started rock and roll bands in High School. Bruce started a band in 1964 at age 16 called the King Bees which became the Scarabs (a kind of beetle) when the Beatles came on the scene in America in 1964. Bruce's band played most of the Beatle's songs and dressed up exactly like the Beatles with Nehru suits and Beatle boots. Alice had a band called the Spiders at age 16 (formerly the Earwigs) to "parody songs of the Beatles" in 1964 and dressed up like the Beatles. Both Alice and Bruce play harmonica. Both Alice and Bruce are from the Midwest. Bruce is from Chicago. Alice is from Detroit. Both Bruce and Alice met their future wives in 1975. Both Bruce and Alice were married in 1976 and are still with their same wives. Both Bruce and Alice have been married 48 years. Bruce's wife Elise dated Alice's rhythm guitarist Michael Bruce in the early 1970's and was at Alice Cooper's coming out party in Los Angeles, California. Both Alice and Bruce have long hair. Alice Cooper was discovered by Shep Gordon in 1968. In 1968 Bruce's band The King James Version was the featured band at the Chicago, Illinois Democratic Convention. Bruce's wife met Shep Gordon in the early 1970's. Bruce and his wife Elise reconnected with Shep Gordon on Maui in 1979 and have been casual friends ever since. Alice graduated with an honors degree in Physics. Bruce began his study of Quantum Physics in the 1990's and began his study of meta-physics in 1969. He dropped out of college after his sophomore year but finished his junior year at the city college Alice is a firm believer in Jesus. Based on the above amazing synchronicities (absolutely not coincidences) there is a reason why Bruce and Alice reconnected at this crucial point in time in our history in a "safe way" in a safe place. Alice Cooper said of Jesus: "There was never more a rebel than Jesus Christ. Bruce is a "spiritual revolutionary" and his astrological horoscope reflects this revolutionary rebellious trait. Both Alice and Bruce pray every day. The following passages are from Reincarnation-Wheels of a Soul by Rabbi Philip S. Berg "the world's foremost authority on the Kabbalah the daring truth of reincarnation. " "It is the supreme irony that Kabbalah, as ancient and as Jewish as Judaism itself, should wither in its home garden only to flourish among Christians, few of whom are aware of the true origin of the mysteries of their faith. Apart from its basis in the Bible, the inner essence of Christianity is wholly Kabbalistic...and only with the Age of Aquarius ( began in 2008) - the Messianic Era-could the gap between religionist and Kabbalist find its span... Now, in the Age of Aquarius, with time winding down to the coming of the Messiah and a passing away of the old order souls laden with evil and in desperate need of correction before it is too late are flocking (back) to the earth plane... What is needed today is a master key to unlock the apparent chaos and find order within it. Reincarnation, stripped of superstition and half-truth, can be that key... Human consciousness existed before birth, and by human consciousness, I mean the soul. This is the first fundamental fact of reincarnation.. death only comes to the body. The soul lives eternally.... Anyone who feels the need for strict scientific validation should realize that as we probe deeper into the subatomic world of our existence, we find that strict scientific validation of anything becomes virtually impossible.... Essentially, verification lies not in accumulation of more stringent proofs of reincarnation, but rather in the persuasion of skeptics to accept that which has already been made known." Matthew 17:10-13. "And the disciples asked Jesus, 'Why then, do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?' He replied: 'Elijah is indeed coming and will restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands. Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Babtist.'" The disciples understood that Jesus was teaching them that John was the reincarnation of Elijah and the disciples "understood" this, i.e. they "perceived the intended meaning" of Jesus' words. John 14:3. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am (in Christ/God/Love consciousness) you may be also." Read that carefully. "...take you to my self..." Saint Augustine embraced the law of reincarnation. 354 A.D/C.E.. to 430 A.D./C.E. Saint Clement of Alexandria: "The balance of evidence available supports the conclusion that he endorsed the doctrine of reincarnation." 150 A.D/C.E.. to between 211 and 215 A.D/C.E.. Origen of Alexandria considered one of Christianity's greatest systematic theologians was a believer in reincarnation and "insisted on universal salvation, but worked across many lifetimes and successive worlds-in other words reincarnation." Origin believed that souls had previous lives... 185 A.D/C.E.. to 254 A.D.?C.E. "Plato accepted an idea that many Greeks believed (in) reincarnation." 428/427 B.C.E. to 348/347 B.C.E. So did Pythagoras. 570 B.C.E. to 500/490 B.C.E. So did Socrates. 470 B.C.E to 399 B.C.E. So did Basilides. A.D. 117-138 So did Valentinus. 100 A.D./C.E to 160 A.D./C.E Bruce is the reincarnation of Jesus. "Let those who have an ear hear."
Yesterday on one of the international news channels the coverage was in Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall. There was a eulogy for the hostages being held by Hamas. One of the attendees called out for Mashiach( Messiah).
Today we saw the movie Dune Part 2. The main character becomes/is the prophecied Madhi or messiah for the desert people on the planet Arakus. Very interesting the synchronicity of these two events. On April 21st Uranus and Jupiter will be conjunct in Taurus 21* 50’ the first time since 1941. There is a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction every 14 years. This one in Taurus has an energy that will kick into gear the Pluto in Aquarius energetic for the first time since the American, French, and industrial revolutions in the 18th century. A monumental shift in consciousness is now inevitable and on the horizon. Love, Dad |
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