With Pluto at 28 degrees in Sagittarius/retrograde(sidereal) I am reflecting on the Supreme Court and the rush to get Trump’s Federalist right wing nominee confirmed. All the Republican senators who go along with Donald Trump on this in an election year be dammed. RBG’s dying wish was not to fill her seat until after the election. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are liars and hypocrites. This is beyond politics. This is not the will of the majority of the people of our UNITED(28) states of America. This division is trying to kill the spirit of America and Covid-19 has endorsed the division. I do not say this lightly. I have emphasized all the big planetary events shaping up in the “heavens.” There will be consequences to these hypocritical Republican senate actions. The karmic implications are compelling. By the time the Senate confirmation hearings begin at the end of October, Mars will be in its final two + weeks of retrograde motion going direct on November 13th and Mercury will be in its final retrograde days and goes direct November 3rd. The Supreme Court nomination was made while Pluto was retrograde but goes direct October 4th. And, don’t forget the last and final third conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter on November 14th. Expansive death, rebirth and regeneration. The cosmic stage is set. The battle of the titans of light and darkness is about to begin. Only “we the people” and humanity itself as ONE collective body can change the course of events. We are reminded of this by William Shakespeare in the play Julius Ceasar. “ is not in the stars but ourselves that we are underlings.” The planetary energies are impelling and not compelling, however, it is highly unlikely the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett will be lasting given the Pluto retrograde nomination and the mars and mercury retrograde confirmation. It’s all BACKWARD MOTION. There is nothing forward about it. It’s bad and dark energy. Neptune, the mystical planet is also retrograde until November 28th(another 28). Uranus, the planet of sudden occurrences is also retrograde until January 1, 2021. Saturn, aka the “grim reaper” is also retrograde until September 29th. Only Jupiter and Venus are direct. The planets of the higher mind and love. Thank God they are direct. They are our saving grace. Mercury retrograde Mars retrograde Saturn retrograde Uranus retrograde Neptune retrograde Pluto retrograde I am NOT making any predictions. Herd mentality in the republican senate and Trump’s base is in forward motion to disaster. It is what it celestially and energetically is. Jupiter and Saturn will be exactly conjunct on December 21st. The week before the total solar eclipse of the sun will be exactly conjunct my natal Jupiter in Scorpio(sidereal) 28 degrees within minutes. Another 28. This is very auspicious. “If you are not with me you are against me.” “Woe to you hypocrites.” “You are all vipers.” “You are in a den of thieves.” Jesus. The prophet Daniel saw “the handwriting on the wall.” I think the “handwriting” is clear as the day is clear. We are truly in the “end of days” the “end times” of the old world order. A higher state of consciousness is right around the corner. This is my prayer for our country and for humanity. May the gates close on deceit, deception and dishonesty. May justice and equality reign supreme. May love blanket the planet and we unite as ONE. The Jewish year 5781 is the year of shown miracles and blessings. It means: I (God) will show you. Amen, So be it! Bruce
Aloha, Today, Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court and yesterday Trump announced a refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election. Trump is already discrediting the election results as fraudulent because of mail in ballots and if he loses it is because the election was rigged and the Supreme Court should decide who the winner is. Rushing his Supreme Court nominee to confirmation is strategic because Trump knows he’s losing and he needs a (seemingly) legitimate way to cheat the election away from Joe Biden, just like what happened to Al Gore in the same planetary energetic. In a recent blog post I pointed out the planet Mercury, which will be in a retrograde motion for three weeks prior to the election, goes direct on election day November 3, 2020 a # 9 day(completion/ending). Trump is the 45th president. A #9. We have a double #9 day and 9+9 creates another 9 = Ending. The last time Mercury went direct on election day was in the election between Bush and Gore when the election was contested and decided by the US Supreme Court in December of the year 2000. Unless Joe Biden wins the election by a very large margin Trump will declare himself the winner crying hoax, fraud, unfair and force it to the US Supreme Court once again to decide the election. The planetary energies indicate this but the energies change big time one week after the election on November 12th when Jupiter and Pluto make their third and final conjunction (expansive death, rebirth and regeneration) and then the planet of action, Mars, goes direct on November 13th. All hands on deck. The chaos intensifies. Then, on December 14th, the total solar eclipse is EXACTLY conjunct (my natal) Jupiter in Scorpio 28 degrees 29 minutes. The 28 is very auspicious as 28 is the encoded number of the universe. * *the Unified Field Revealed @IAMLOVE.TV The “fait accompli” comes one week later on the winter solstice December 21st when Jupiter and Saturn are EXACTLY conjunct in Capricorn(sidereal). This energetic birthed the USA and Jesus. It’s very interesting that this conjunction is almost exactly one month prior to the inauguration on January 20,2021. Who will be inaugurated if anybody at all? If the energies are any indication, a changing of the guard will occur between 12/21/2020 and 1/20/2021. Will history repeat itself? Will there be a new “birth” ... in consciousness? We shall see. Prepare for a possible wild roller coaster ride. Bruce IAMLOVE.TV In memory of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Hold Lindsey Graham's feet to the fire with no new Supreme Court Justice nomination until after the November 3rd presidential election. Mars went retrograde September 9th and Mercury goes direct November 3rd. Better to wait and see what happens with the election.
God reveals its self in amazing ways showing us that we are on the right path at the right time. On May 20, 2019 I listed a vacant parcel of land in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii known as parcel #007. It is zoned for 217 condominiums and was listed for $14,900,000. If you have ever watched a James Bond movie you know the significance and the timing of 007. The planet is in a 007 moment. The Multiple Service Number (MLS) for the listing was 382951=28=10=1,. The property immediately went into escrow and has been tied up for almost 18 months and was off the market. A problem with the major SMA (Special Management Are) permit arose and the road blocks began. Long story short, we cancelled that sale today and I re-listed the property. The MLS number this September 17, 2020 is: 388621=28=10=1. What is the statistical probability of this occurrence? The significance of the number 28 has been decoded extensively in all my writings. Read The Unified Field Revealed at: THE CENTER FOR WORLD PEACE.LOVE for the complete decoding.
THE CENTER FOR WORLD PEACE.LOVEThe Center For World Peace The first sale in 2019 was definitely not meant to be. I would have had a big chunk of money but God had other plans. We are now in the home stretch to the global shift in consciousness and I have another chance in 2020 to sell this property. Why this property? It's a bridge to the other side; it represents the crossing over. 2455 S. Kihei Road. 2455=7. The 7 resonates to the 7th house of Justice and the 7th sign of Libra, the scales of justice. I first sold this property in 1986 for almost $7m. I next sold it in September of 1999=28=10=1 in a deed in lieu for foreclosure sale. I next sold the property in 2008=28=10=1 for just under $5m. The sale that just cancelled and the next sale will be the 4th time I will sell parcel 007. I am in escrow on another parcel 007 for $2.5M right now and I sold another parcel 007 in 2019. Coincidence? Do you see the pattern? The I AM is time tracking through my being. The I AM time tracks through all our beings if we surrender to it. This is synchronicity. I AM the 007. Peace, light and love, Bruce Maui News-Associated Press: Aron Heller- Jerusalem. ISRAEL STRIKES GAZA AFTER ROCKET FIRE DURING US CEREMONY....
"The renewed exchange offered a stark reminder that the festive events in Washington would likely do little to change Israel's conflict with the Palestinians. In addition to the bilateral agreements signed by Israel, UAE and Bahrain, all three signed a document dubbed the "Abraham Accords" after the patriarch of the world's three major monotheistic religions. The Palestinians are opposed to the agreements with the UAE and Bahrain, viewing them as a betrayal of their cause by the Arab countries, which agreed to recognize Israel without securing territorial concessions. They vow that the agreements and any others that may follow will not undermine their cause..." The "bilateral agreements" are not peace accords at all but merely political arrangements. On February 5, 2017 I wrote The Solution to a Permanent and Lasting Peace Between Israel, Palestine and the World. Go to THE CENTER FOR WORLD PEACE.LOVE to see what I had to say about Abraham and a true solution to peace between Israel and Palestine and the entire Middle East. Donald Trump is not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize or any prize at all. There is no peace between Israel and Palestine so how can there be a prize? Bruce Chapter 11. Reincarnation- Wheels of a Soul by Rabbi Philip S. Berg 1984 pp 41,42
“We live a series of lives on this earth, and each incarnation is but a continuation of the preceeding one...however tragic the circumstances may be, nothing is ever lost and nothing is ever forgotten... The meaning of reincarnation illuminates the problem of evil...The answer, of course, is that the degree of evil and injustice abounding on this earth has nothing whatsoever to do with God. War, murder, violence, deceit and oppression are not the result of His will. Rather, they are the result of millions(billions) of souls struggling to balance their karmic debt and FAILING. Now, in the age of Aquarius, with time winding down to the coming of the Messiah and passing away of the old order, souls laden with evil and in desperate need of correction before it is too late are flocking to the earth plane... We, ourselves, bring our own characteristics into being. We are self evolved. Evil is present so we can have choice between good and evil. Via free will* we can get merit for our deeds. Otherwise, if only good existed, we would be automatons”(robots). * I believe we have freedom of choice. I do not believe we are born with free will. I believe we earn free will by doing the will of God. Then we are free from the illusion and duality of the 3D dimensional world. Bruce MESSIAH FOR HIRE, THE PLANETS, THE ELECTION , THE JUPITER/SATURN CONJUNCTION AND THE INAUGURATION9/10/2020 Aloha everyone,
Jupiter goes direct on September 13th. Since Mars went retrograde yesterday it might be a good time for it to rain on the material-political parade. Our next launch (or first launch) should coincide with the 3rd and final conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on November 13th (expansive death and regeneration) and Mars going direct on November 14th. (All planetary positions are Sidereal and not Tropical.) In the email I sent out yesterday I pointed out that retrograde Mercury goes direct on election day November 3rd. The last time this occurred was November 3, 2000 with the Bush-Gore presidential fiasco. (thank you astrologer Joni Patry). Because I KNOW the universe is choreographing this crazy movie and we are the boots on the ground to implement the cosmic plan for higher spiritual consciousness, it's almost a certainty that something BIG is going to happen (or not happen) on November 3, 2020 (=9 completion) with Mars retrograde and Mercury direct on that day so we might as well join the parade and throw a monkey wrench into the mix. Something ends, i.e. completes on November 3rd. Remember, Trump is the 45th president. 4+5=9 (completion-ending). Trump symbolizes the ending. Does this mean Trump marks the "end" of the political system as we know it, or just the end of Trump-ism and the corruption it represents along with the illusion and duality of the 3rd (earth)dimension. This crazy cosmic activity is all a prelude to December 21, 2020 (=19=10=1 a new beginning) when Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in Capricorn. The USA was born during a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction as was Jesus. Astrologer Majorie Orr says of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction: " The birth of a new messiah for the culture, or an upsurge of optimism are usually seen as the outcome of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions...the zeitgeist*, or spirit of the age, is often carried by personalities, whose lives seem marked out in some special way by destiny. Messiahs in their own sphere, bear the hopes of their era, often reflected by these conjunctions." Go to: IAMLOVE.TV Curriculum Vitae: Preface and parts 1-10, The Unified Field Revealed and Yeshua the Promised Messiah-The Burden of Proof-In My Own Defense. *zeitgeist: "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by ideas and beliefs of the time." The #19 is the Alpha and Omega of Revelation 22:13: "I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Exactly one week before on December 14, 2020 (=3/communication) there is a total solar eclipse in the tail (the stinger) of the scorpion/Scorpio 28* 29'. NOT coincidentally the Sun will be EXACTLY conjunct to my natal Jupiter in Scorpio 28* 41'. I call this God's cosmic sting operation. It's all a set up for the global shift in consciousness. Jupiter in Scorpio can be best described as a "personal metamorphosis... intensity is a must for growth...keep in mind that Jupiter is in play in those moments when you have faith that life is unfolding as it should. This sense of rightness expands when you trust your intuition and act on it with a skillful directing of inner intensity." ( astrologer Molly Hall/5/31/2019). No matter what the outcome of the election is and who is actually inaugurated on January 20, 2021 (=8/power/8th house/Scorpio/Pluto/death and transformation) it is ultimately us individually that needs to change, transform and transcend the imitations of the material world. It is our own "personal metamorphosis" that matters. Peace, Bruce The vedic astrologer in the link I sent you strangely omits the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto and the most important conjunction of all that adds resolution to her predictions: the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21,2020 through the presidential inauguration on January 20,2021. Jesus was born during a Jupiter Saturn conjunction 3-1-7 BCE as verified by astronomical research.
Whoever is elected MAY die before inauguration. The vedic astrologer said, based on what planetary energies she saw, “ Looking at the planets between now and election day everything seems to change...Whoever we think is going to be president on election day, probably won’t be president by the time we get to inauguration day. Something radical will occur... is about to occur...everything in the world changes direction... one of the candidates may not even run, pull out, sickness...” Mercury (having been retrograde for three weeks) makes a station (stops) on election day November 3rd and then goes direct. The last time this happened was in 2000 with George W. Bush and Al Gore. The election was decided in December by the US Supreme court. The astrologer says: “This will happen again.” I tend to agree looking at what she ISN’T looking at. On November 13th there is the final and third conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto 10 days after the election and then on December 14th the solar eclipse at 28 degrees 29 minutes of Scorpio in the last 2 degrees of the stinger. (Get the symbolism? God has a sense of humor.) It’s a cosmic sting operation!!! This solar eclipse will be EXACTLY conjunct within minutes of my natal Jupiter in Scorpio 28 degrees 41 minutes in my 7th house which is the scales of justice. This conjunction is also conjunct the Galactic Center 27* 08’ of Scorpio. The Sun is going to activate my natal Jupiter into justice mode. Coincidence? Why do i want to launch on 12/21,2020= 10? Here is what comes up when you google: Do presidents die during a Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction? “Jupiter-Saturn has a special relevance to the United States and American history. One of the key dates after the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when hostilities with the British came to an end and American independence was formally recognized in 1783, fell during the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn.” The Saturn- Jupiter conjunction on December 21, 2020 is back in Capricorn. Coincidence? The planet is going to declare its independence from the darkness, duality and illusion. This cannot be stopped unless you can stop the Sun and the planets from their march forwards and backwards. It’s all cosmically calibrated and digitized. It’s already happened. We are just catching up. “...More tragically, every American president in the past 200 years who has been inaugurated on a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction has either been assassinated or survived an assassination attempt or else has died while in office; only two, Thomas Jefferson, and James Munroe, are exceptions to this rule. Based on the above I “believe” the “radical change” is the changing of the guard from the purely materialistic 3D illusion to the higher consciousness of the spiritual dimensions which will supplant the lower base and dense material energies. The stage has been set. I will watch carefully events as they unfold. My own energetic imprint must also change radically between now and inauguration day, which it will because “not my will but thy will be done.” Why December 21st? Being a day of the #10=1 is a new beginning. Rosh Hashanna is on September 19=10=1 and Yom Kippur on September 28=10=1 when the gates shut and a new year begins. It “appears” we can pull the trigger on the 21st but remember everything is subject to “radical change.” Another factor in this craziness is Mars( action, energy, war) goes retrograde on September 9th but Jupiter, being the real heavyweight, goes direct on my daughter’s 33rd birthday September 13th. Jupiter went retrograde on Israel’s birthday May 14th. Is this all coincidence? Jupiter trumps Mars. Get ready for a very exciting ride. www.IAMLOVE.TV Bruce |
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