From Leonardo DaVinci."To lie is so vile, that even if it were in speaking well of godly things it would take off something from God's grace; and Truth is so excellent, that if it praises but small things they become noble."
Donald J. Trump is a documented pathological liar who told over 30,000 lies and misleading things during his presidency. All you professing Christians and Evangelicals who pretend to be Christians and follow and support Donald J. Trump are just as "vile" as he is. Trump selling bibles is a con job. He no more has three bibles in his house than Satan. Mark Cuban said it well: "Donald Trump is a snake oil salesman." Truth Social is a scam and is worth no more than a bottle of snake oil. Trump can only mutter the word "truth." He is incapable of telling the truth.
I believe there is a connection between Jupiter and Uranus being exactly conjunct in Taurus within minutes for the first time since 1941 on this date and the April 2, 2024 I Ching reading. Uranus is the planet of sudden occurrences and Jupiter is the expansive planet. The combination is sudden expansive action.
The I Ching reading of "Deliverance" stated: "These periods of sudden change have great importance." This is what I call cosmic synchronicity. "Deliverance" is tied to the "Second coming," i.e. the reappearance of Jesus in the reincarnated body of Bruce quite possibly in this Olympic, leap year, election year, of 2024. Interestingly the Democratic Convention is in Chicago this year. Bruce's rock and roll band played for the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. What goes around comes around. I believe that as Pluto goes deeper into Aquarius the closer this time of "Deliverance" will become. "Only God knoweth the hour." Jury selection began today for Donald J. Trump who has the honor of being the first President in the history of the United States of America to be on trial for criminal offences. Not one, but 34 counts in just this case alone for the hush money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 in an attempt to hide his affair from the public before the presidential election.
On April 13, 2024 Donald Trump called himself "perhaps the most honest guy almost in the world," a claim his critics didn't buy given the former president's extensive history of lying. Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims during the four years of his presidency, according to the Washington Post tally. He has to date never stopped lying. He was also convicted of fraud in February in a case that could ultimately cost him nearly half a billion dollars in fines, penalties and interest. There are four criminal cases with a total of 91 felony counts. That's what I call an honest, truthful man. Trump even denies having an affair with Stormy Daniels even though there is a ton of evidence to the contrary. Trump denies all the allegations and has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in relation to the Stormy Daniels case. The money to Ms. Daniels was listed in Trump's company records as "legal fees," which prosecutors suggest was part of an unlawful attempt to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential race. Talk about election interference!!!! Trump says the trial is "part of a political witch hunt" aimed at derailing his White House bid. Trump said Daniel's allegations "were a total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!" The only person, entity, organization, political party, et al that will derail Donald Trump and his bid for the presidency and his future potential authoritarian dictatorship is none other than Donald J. Trump and his own karmic undoing. Trump will come face to face with his own soul who will judge him before the election. Karma is a bitch when it's bad karma and Trump has a lifetime of bad karma. "The handwriting (for Trump) is on the wall" Daniel 5:5-31, just like it was for King Belshazzar foretelling that he would be overthrown. The saying literally means "there are clear signs that something will fail or no longer exist, and that some misfortune is impending," and as always, "pride goeth before the fall.!" These are the words that were written on the wall. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARSIN. This is what these words mean: MENE: God has counted the days until your kingdom will end.* TEKEL: You have been weighed on the scales** and found not good enough. UPARSIN: Your kingdom is being taken from you." *Trump was the 45th president of the United States. 4+5=9 which represents the "ending." His "kingdom" is being taken from him by him and no one else. **The "scales" of cosmic justice. Donald Trump's poll numbers are dropping and will continue to drop as his base of followers will awaken to who he really is. Iran launches drone strike against Israel.
Blog Post for April 9, 2024 in response to David Bilfeld's question: "What did your horoscope dictate?" He was responding to the April 2, 2024 Blog Post. After I responded to his question he responded: "Thank you for the clarification."
Hi David, Horoscopes don't "dictate" anything. Did you mean "in-dicate?" The planetary energies are always impelling and not compelling to higher consciousness beings. As God beings the planets cannot dictate what is to be or not to be. Those p energies do however indicate possible and even probably events in the future of linear time but I defer to Ecclesiastes 3:15. What I am looking at most carefully is the April 21st conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus not since 1941. The total solar eclipse yesterday with the New Supermoon in Aries and the Sun in Aries conjuncting my natal Sun in Aries was no coincidence. I explain this in my April 8th Blog which has been posted and available to read. Planetary energies are there for us to use to our advantage and benefit and not the other way around. Unconscious beings are susceptible to negative karma. Thus, "As ye think so shall ye become." Conscious beings shape and form their own destinies and guide their own fate.* *Fate 1. The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power." Jesus fulfilling the prophecies is a classic example of this. I am writing a commentary on my last I Ching Oracle reading of #40 Deliverance with #16 Enthusiasm as the follow up because there is conflicting information in the reading. This will be my first such formal commentary on a reading. The 2024 Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries
It’s a Super New Moon in Aries. "The Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 could mark a significant turning point. Because it's a New Moon, it could be a forced fresh start or an unexpected opportunity. (Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus on April 21st within minutes of orbit. Uranus is the planet of sudden occurrences and Jupiter is the expansive benefic.) Whatever happens today may surprise you, but it might be the impetus for a new beginning." (the Aries sun and Aries moon in eclipse are conjuncting my natal Sun in Aries.) This Eclipse happens in the sign of Aries. That means issues concerning independence, courage, and individuality will be on the front burner. It's time to find your footing as the Univrrse nudges you out of your comfort zone. Blind conformity is out, while bold originality takes the wheel. While these are general themes for the collective, what about individuals? Each zodiac sign will be affected differently. Here's what you need to know for your sign. Aries(March 21 to April 19). The Total Solar Eclipse scores a direct hit if you're born under the sign of the Ram. (I was born April 2nd.) This day could feel dramatic, so it's best to approach it mindfully. A chapter is coming to a close, opening the door for you to write an entirely new story. Because the Eclipse touches down on the Aries North Node, fate will play a role in any endings you experience. It's best to move with this energy rather than your usual tendency to push back. A few days after this event, you'll emerge like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This is the beginning of a new life-and a new you." "If the solar eclipse happens around your birthday, this could mark a significant life change. Think of it as a rebirth. However, you'll want to guard your well-being. This is not the time to take a risk with your health. The bungee jumping adventure can wait." This is very interesting because the "psychic" Tarot card reading said that my "real estate career was ending" and there was a " new destiny" a "bright future." The Wheel of Fortune card said to: "come out with the information." If I "come out with the information" that means " Deliverance is at hand. The cards said: "The world is ready now" and I "need to complete" and "go full course" because " the world is ready to listen" and "life is calling." So, only time will tell what transpires. |
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