Another Sign from God that the chaos is at the pinnacle of madness.
The massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas is more than just another slaughter of seemingly “innocent” people, mostly young children, “victims” of senseless gun violence. But, like the Kentucky Derby, we have been given a sign that there is more than meets the eye. Ethereal Road sacrificed its spot in the Derby so Rich Strike could demonstrate to humanity God’s plan for humanity. The numbers confirmed it. (Read blog post for May 7th and 9th). 10’s. The number 10. 91 to 1(9+1=10) long shot 109 years ago. (1+9=10) This time there were 19 children killed. 1+9=10=1. Most of them were 10 years old. 1+0=1. 10 days before there was another mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, there were 19 police officers who after nearly one hour failed to go in to subdue the killer. Is it merely coincidence that there are four instances of the number 10? 19=10 children; 19=10 police officers; around 10 years old; 10 days after the Buffalo massacre. No coincidence! The children and adults were not “victims.” They were paying off their karmic indebtedness and sacrificed themselves so humanity would get the message. The parents cannot, and the world cannot make sense of a senseless massacre of “innocent” human beings but in God’s intelligent design and plan for humanity, those that were killed sacrificed themselves to help bring an end to gun violence. Why 19=10 children? Why mostly 10 years old? Why 10 days after another massacre? This massacre got the world’s attention. This is a global problem. Do you think the Jews and the Romans crucified Jesus? Nobody but Jesus himself made sure he was crucified. He knew he was the sacrificial lamb of the prophecies. He deliberately sacrificed himself to demonstrate to humanity the illusion of the material world. He fulfilled hundreds of predictions about himself that were scripted to happen and the fate of all humankind rested in him fulfilling those predictions. Nobody took Jesus’ life and nobody killed him. Souls make sacrifices to fulfill their higher spiritual purpose, mission and destiny. Those souls in that elementary school were doing God’s will for a higher spiritual purpose for the betterment of humanity. They were not victims. There are no accidents in the material 3rd dimensional reality. Read Ecclestiastics 3:1-20. "There is a time for every purpose under heaven...a time to be born and a time to die..." Humanity needs to wake up now. This is yet another “wake up call” for us to love one another. To stop the division. Stop the hatred. Stop the lies. Stop the corruption. We don’t need guns. We need more love. That 18 year old kid would not have killed anybody if he was loved growing up. The lack of love is the root of the world's problem. Mental illness stems from a lack of love. When we cut through the illusion of the material world love is revealed. The Ukraine is another massacre, another example of the madness of the material world. For this civilization to survive humanity needs to wake up now. We are "on the brink of destruction."
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So soon after the Kentucky Derby? Associated Press by Marcia Dunn- Cape Canaveral, Florida. MOON GOES BLOOD RED THIS WEEKEND IN AN ‘ECLIPSE FOR THE AMERICAS’ A total lunar eclipse will grace the night skies this weekend, providing longer than usual thrills for stargazers across North and South America. The celestial action unfolds Sunday night into early Monday morning, with the moon bathed in the reflected red and orange hues of Earth’s sunsets and sunrises for about 1.5 hours, one of the longest totalties of the decade. It will be the first so-called blood moon in a year…this is really an eclipse for the Americas…there’ll be another lengthy total lunar eclipse in November…then the next one isn’t until 2025.” With the Supreme Court in disarray, Roe v. Wade under threat of being overturned, massive fires, rising oceans, global warming, extreme division amongst peoples, extreme drought conditions, baby formula nearly non-existent, the Russia-Ukraine war and the threat of nuclear weapons being deployed by Putin, rampant inflation, soaring interest rates, homelessness, crime rising, mass shootings increasing, much of humanity hungry and many starving, how much worse can it get? It can and will get a lot worse as long as humanity continues to focus on material things and not spirituality. A shift in global consciousness needs to happen more sooner than later. This blood moon and the one in November are more “signs” that a shift must occur. In many ways the planet has gone beyond a tipping point of the extemes mentioned above. Only We can make the change. Don’t look for Divine intervention. We are the Divine Intervention. The universe gives us signs to wake us up. It’s all happening right before our eyes. The alarm went off years ago. It’s time to wake up. www.IAMLOVE. tv www.TheCenterForWorldPeace.Love Found and saved little kitten from certain death. Five week old little boy I named Sandy. He was out in the rough and tough brush of Maui. He was under the guard rail next to the highway trying to run into the street. I scooped him up and never let him go.
There was something I missed in my May 8, 2022 blog about the Win at the Kentucky Derby by Rich Strike masterfully ridden by Jockey Sonny Leon. Considering the wild circumstances, the odds, and what I perceived to be cosmic spiritual significance for humanity, the race represented another higher more purposeful element by the horse that scratched from the race at the very last moment. Ethereal Road was the 20th horse. The “last” horse. Please read the definition of Ethereal in the May 8th blog. “Divine, heavenly, celestial, spiritual, intangible… too perfect for this world.” Only a horse with that name would SACRIFICE it’s Derby spot for a higher spiritual purpose. Yes, the horse “was not ready” for this race according to its trainer because the universe had another plan in mind in its intelligent design for humanity. I’m reading a lot into this but God/universe communicates to us in the strangest of ways. We need to read the “signs.” Rich Strike could not have struck like lightning without the “ethereal, spiritual, divine and heavenly” sacrifice by Ethereal Road. This event was being divinely orchestrated. There is no other way to interpret it. The hand of God was over the Kentucky Derby. Wow! Here’s something else I missed. It has been 109(1+9=10=1) years since 1913 when a horse won the Derby with such astounding odds. 91 to 1 (9+1= 10=1) odds. 1913 was the end of a 2,520 year prophetic cycle called the “time of the gentiles.” 1 & 9 represents the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. For this event to occur exactly 109 years later in 2022 is no coincidence. Humanity, again, is at the end of a long cycle. A very long cycle. I believe the universe is telling us, showing us through the material world the old world order is over and will change very soon ” in a “stunning unbelievable upset” “miraculous” “come from behind” “unreal” “inexplicable” “can only be seen to be believed” revelation to humanity. Buckle up. Keep your eyes on Putin as his removal from power is key to this transition. He is bringing on his own demise. His race is over. He will never make it to the finish line. The Ukranians are Ethereal Road making the ultimate “sacrifice.” Putin is just facilitating this process. He and Russia is the personification of the old militaristic order that has to go. So, goodby and good riddance. Bruce TheCenterForWorldPeace.Love “How many times in history have admirable individuals who struggled against outdated beliefs, living outside of their comfort zones, been considered heretics and fools, only to later emerge as geniuses, saints, or masters? In time they became supernatural.” Joe Dispenza, DC. You Are The Placebo. Page 300, 2014
Albert Einstein: “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Albert Einstein: “Condemnation prior to investigation is the highest form of ignorance.” |
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