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There can never be an "I am Jesus message" because I am not Jesus. I WAS Jesus but I am Bruce now. The Vedic scriptures say: "The body changes but the soul remains the same." In Acts 1:11 the verse says "this SAME Jesus shall come." This "SAME Jesus" has nothing to do with the return of the physical flesh body that my soul occupied 2,000 years ago. The "same" Jesus refers to the "same" soul that inhabited the body of Jesus that now inhabits the body of Bruce. Christianity, through the (deliberate) mis teachings of the Catholic church, would have you believe that the 2,000 year old flesh body of Jesus is miraculously going to come through the physical clouds in the sky and land at a particular place in Israel. The entire "rapture" BS has its foundation on a lie. The only resurrection from the dead is the reincarnation of the soul from the old dead body into a new flesh body in a subsequent lifetime. These false teachings by the church make my job that much more difficult because the early Catholic church declared reincarnation anathema to its church doctrines. As a result, the majority of Christians, after over 1,600 years, do not accept the law of reincarnation. Jesus knew this would happen in the future when his soul returned as Bruce so he covered his bases by teaching his disciples the law of reincarnation in Matthew 17:10-13. The disciples asked Jesus about Elijah/Elias preceding the Messiah. 10 "The disciples, meanwhile, were asking questions. Why do religion scholars say that Elijah has to come first? 11 Jesus answered, 'Elijah does come and get everybody ready. 12"...But I tell you that Elija has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him whatever they wished. In the same way, the Son of Man will suffer at their hands. THEN the disciples UNDERSTOOD that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist." In other words. They got Jesus's drift. They "understood" John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elija who had to precede Jesus. That was one of the prophecies. They "perceived the intended meaning" of Jesus' words. So, my dear Martha, you will never hear me say "I am Jesus." Just as we are all Messiahs, we are all reincarnations of our selves. The sooner humanity gets beyond the great "Christian" lie the sooner humanity can begin to evolve into the higher conscious state of being a human being. Let's get this message out to our 1,000 Knights of the Cosmic Order. The focused thought event will take place on April 12th when Jupiter and Neptune are in exact conjunction in the sign of Pisces. 4-12-2022=22. How fitting! Certainly not a coincidence. This is the first time in 150 years this conjunction has happened in its own sign of Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces. I suggest anyone who is reading this blog post Googles Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces for a better understanding of this energy. Jupiter is the expansive planet and Neptune is the mystical planet so this energy combination means (in my interpretation) an expansive mystical experience. So, April 12th is THE day for our first thought event. I will let everyone know what time in the day/night in each time zone and what thought/prayer to focus on. 1,000 + souls CAN impact the universal framework. Most likely our thought/prayer will be for some resolution in Ukraine or Russia, or both. Again, Mark 11:24 is the secret to the Law of Attraction and bringing about global change. We need 5,000 Knights by the 12th so please spread the word. WE ARE THE FORCE. Our collective consciousness is powerful. We WILL be united on that day.
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-- no absence of fear. " Mark Twain
To the people of Ukraine and the world. You, individually, can bring peace to your country and to your being. Know who you are and you will be empowered. Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6. “ You are Gods, you are all children of the Most High.” In Mark 11:24 Jesus taught how to use your power as a “child of God.” “ Whatsoever thing you desire when you pray, BELIEVE you have received it and you WILL have it.” Have faith as difficult as that sounds.
For Mr. Putin the “handwriting is on the wall.” He will reap what he has sown. Remain positive. Have love in your heart. Stay in the light and illuminate the darkness around you. Peace and reparations for Ukraine are right around the corner. Love conquers hate. Life is eternal. Know who you are. Be a Knight of the Cosmic Order. I AM UKRAINE
I am Ukranian. Both my father’s parents were born in Ukraine. My mother’s father was born in Warsaw, Poland and her mother in Canton, Ohio. And like President Zielinski, all my family are Jewish. Mr. Putin. If you do it to Ukraine you do it to me. You do it to all of humanity. Jesus said: “When you’ve seen me you have seen the Father.” What he meant was not that he was God but that we are all God, “we are all children of the most High.“ (Psalm 82:6) “If you do it to the least of them you do it to me.” (Matthew 25:40-45). I know who my Father is and I know who your father is Mr. Putin. President Biden was correct when he said you must not remain in power. The planet is going in a different positive direction and you are going backwards in the wrong negative direction. Redirect your couse of direction. “The handwriting is on the wall” for you! What you sow you reap. There is no getting around it Mr. Putin. The world cannot waste anymore time on your evil, foolish and destructive folly. “Pride goeth before the fall.” The planet is warming and the glaciers are melting at an alarming rate and that is the bigger fish to fry. This is a wake up call to humanity and I am calling out an SOS. In an earlier blog Jesus in John 8:44 tells us about the "father of lies." From the beginning creation, lying is evil's (Satan/Devil) primary weapon against humanity. Evil uses this tactic to confuse us, leave us hopeless, and twist God's word. Evil wants us to doubt the goodness of God. Mr. Putin (calling him "Mr". is way too generous) "belongs to his father, the devil and wants to carry out his father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. when he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
There are seven things that are detestable and an abomination to God and Putin embodies all seven. 1. Haughtiness. 2. Lying. 3. Murdering. 4. Plotting evil. 5. Eagerness to do wrong. 6. Bearing false witness. 7. Sowing discord among the brethren. Proverbs 6: 16-19. If you want confirmation of Putin's true character and that he IS the personification of evil read John 10:10. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..." Putin IS the devil and the devil IS the personification of evil. You cannot reason or negotiate with evil. He is a liar of the darkest darkness. He is hellbent on destruction and domination . The only way to get rid of evil is to exterminate it. Evil is a cancer and will grow and grow until it is cut out. If it is not cut out it will kill the host. Putin is the cancer. Here is the reality. Jesus foretold of his "second coming" in Matthew 24 and foretold exactly when he would come in verse 32 and what to expect in verse 33. The "fig tree" is the re-birth of the nation of Israel. Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. I was born just 42 days before on April 2, 1948. The "generation" born at that time would not pass and would be witness to the events foretold in Matthew 24 and Revelation 5:1-5. We are today, this 26th day of March 2022 at verse 33. "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." What is"near?" "At the door?" At the threshold? As Dana Carvey would say as the church lady on Church Chat on Saturday Night Live. "Could it be Satan?" My being here NOW is to prevent the global apocalypse (Blog Post 3/1/2022). There is nothing to "save" in a post apocalypse of nuclear destruction. I implore the powers that be on this planet not to let Putin get ahead of them. He will not hesitate to use weapons of mass destruction, chemical and nuclear. He will delight in that. He does not fear death because he IS death itself. What he fears is the loss of power, prestige, and possessions. He has lost all prestige and he is losing his possessions. Time to take him out of power. Seize his $700,000,000 yacht now. Seize Putin NOW before it's too late. My being here now writing these things is no coincidence. Messiah For Hire is preventive apocalypse. The good news is that good WILL triumph over evil and the light WILL prevail over the darkness of evil. Putin knows who he is. He murders everyone who challenges him and if you stand with him you are him. Do you hear that Mr. Trump. You, too, are a liar and you and Putin are against me. Send up the flares. Illuminate the evil and get rid of it NOW before it's too late. All of humanity needs to focus its thought on Putin's removal from power. Visualize him being taken away by force. Our collective consciousness en mass of this event will be heard by the universe and the universe will respond accordingly as proven by Jesus in Mark 11:24. "Whatsoever thing you desire when you pray(focused thought) BELIEVE you have received it and you WILL have it." Remember: WE ARE THE FORCE. We are Knights of the Cosmic Order. Now that we know who Mr. Putin really is( Blog Post 3/14/2022:www.TheCenterForWorldPeace.Love) it is time to be rid of him before he gets rid of us. The world must unite in this effort and then pray for his soul which is bound for unspeakable horror. He WILL bring on the prophetic apocalypse(Revelation 12) if we let him go too far. He is showing us what he is capable of. Like Adolph Hitler, he is an apocalyptic figure playing the role scripted for the devil. He is a “murderer“ and the “Father of lies.” The time for action is NOW!! The Foundation For World Peace. Be a Knight of the Cosmic Order.
When you become a member of The Enlightened Society For Global Transformation (www. you become a Knight of the Cosmic Order and The Foundation For World Peace.
1 Ephesians 2:20, Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:42, Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Timothy 2:19 MR. PUTIN,
2,000 years ago Jesus spoke of you as recorded in John 8:44. "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Let's be clear. Lying is evil's primary weapon against God's children. Evil uses the tactic of deceit and lies to separate people from God and from the light and love which dispels darkness. What Putin says sounds good and in his deceit he would have you believe he is reasonable, but he "belongs to his father, the devil. He is a murderer and a liar" of the highest and darkest order. What is happening in Ukraine is a lesson for humanity. We learned from Adolph Hitler what evil looks like. All of humanity must do everything it can to stop this murdering liar Vladimir Putin. Mr. Trump. You called Putin's Ukraine moves "genius". You have called Putin "very savvy." Your praise for Putin puts you on the devil's side. You, too, belong to your father the devil and when you lie you speak your father's native language. You do not hold to the truth and there is no truth in you. Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6 to tell us that we are all "children of the Most High God." Mr. Trump, Jesus said in Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with Me is against me." In other words Mr. Trump, by supporting Putin you oppose Jesus. Let's be very clear about this. You and Putin are two peas in a pod. By supporting Putin you are "against" Jesus. It's time to take sides. Let's call it the way it is. It's time to wake up. Bruce Robert Travis |
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