Aloha Spar,
> > It’s been rocky since my wife returned and any type of reconciliation seems remote. For the most part the situation is tolerable until a needed change can be made. The eye of the hurricane resides within my being so I am always in the calm loving center of God. > > That said, I would like us to collaborate on bringing about the very long anticipated global shift in consciousness via Sir Richard Branson. I ask that you read my contest entry to the 2007 Virgin Earth Challenge entitled Reversing Global Warming. > > In that article is the “proof of concept” of employing the power of focused “mass consciousness” of humanity to literally rearrange the weather patterns on a global level, ie, rearrange and realign the global energetic. > This is not only possible, it is highly probable. > > On a more grounded earthly level there is a $25,000,000 prize attached to the contest for anyone who has a solution for removing GHG’s from the atmosphere. I would be delighted to share that prize with you and David who referred me to you. > > Once you read the article at: IAMLOVE.TV and become familiar with the science and physics behind the premise, I ask that you reach out to Sir Richard and explain to him that the literal salvation of humanity rests on the prize being 100% contingent upon “proof of concept” ie, bringing rain to the western United States that are on fire. The planet itself is not in peril, but can and will do quite fine without people if needs be. > > Sir Richard is a sensationalist and this will prove to be the greatest media event in the history of the world. Right up his alley. What can be next for him being the first in space on his own rocket ship? The answer is: Reversing global warming and bringing about a permanent shift in consciousness. > > He is the perfect person for this “challenge.” He created the contest and now he has the “solution.” No risk of humiliation on his part as we are going to prove the concept by achieving the minimum of “critical mass” for the experiment. (Most everyone will want to partake.) > > Now that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have rolled out a “prayer tool” (focused thought) on their global platform we have a built in global audience (billions of people) to facilitate the “proof of concept.” > > In the AP article that appeared on August 9, 2021 by Holly Meyer and David Crary(enclosed) the opening sentence said: “Facebook already asks for your thoughts. Now it wants your prayers. The social media giant has rolled out a new prayer request feature, a tool embraced by some religious leaders as a CUTTING-EDGE way to engage the faithful online…” > > Bingo. Sir Richard calls Mark Zuckerberg, one billionaire to another, and brings him into the fold for humanity to bring about an Enlightened Society for Global Transformation. Bring in Elon Musk too. Why not? These guys love a bit of glory and now they can shift from selfish to selfless mode. From Ego (Edge God Out) to Creation Consciousness. This is a very plausible scenario. This is our attention to intention. Our purpose. > > This is why we met. We are crossing over the “zero point field” where involution meets evolution. The threshold of reality where truth shatters the illusion of duality and separateness. > > This is mind technology. This is the face of what the future looks like. Time is of the essence. Please make the call. Sting sang calling out an SOS. The planet and humanity is in an SOS moment. > > Peace, light and love, > > Bruce
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