Aloha, The number 3 represents communication. Today the planet Mercury went direct and it is a #19 day as it is the 19th of August. The #1+9=10=1. The 1 and the 9 represents the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending. God is all this and eternally more. The number 10 represents Hu-manity, Man, Hu-man. The number 1 represents God, the Unity, the One-ness.(1ness). So today is a day communicating Unity and how to achieve this Unity and One ness as we are all created in the image and likeness of God as we are One with God. We must first "wake up." Messiah For Hire-Poems From Inner Space 1966-1982.
Wake Up - December 9, 1974 - Mexicana Airlines WAKE UP! You are falling down. Oh, oh. Watch out. Too late. You hurt yourself...that's too bad. You're down. Might as well enjoy the pain. Because that is what you are conscious of now. The pain. It hurts. I know. It's very real. WAKE UP! Enjoy that pain. Understand why you fell. "Oh, you weren't paying attention." You mean you were unconscious. "I was awake!! "Then why did you fall?" "Because I wasn't paying attention." You mean you were unconscious. WAKE UP! It seems the first thing you do when you wake up is become unconscious. How absurd this must sound. But it's true!!! When you wake up, the first thing to do is Is wake up. "I'm awake. I'm alive. I'm conscious. WAKE UP! Be like the gyrating whirling maple SEED Falling To The Earth. We have a purpose. A function. A duty to perform. We are the seeds. And seeds must grow. As we grow, our duty performed Our mission accomplished To give other seeds WAKE UP! There are thousands of other seeds Floating Down With You But only one, maybe two Maybe none at all. Will Get Down To the business of living. The seed is not enough. It will not become realized Or noticed IN THIS WORLD Until it is a tree. Simple. Isn't it? Pay attention. WAKE UP! We are all seeds floating down. But most of us just lie...Dormant. Never growing and RETURN TO THE EARTH. We're born. We die. We return to the source From...which... we... came. Never realized. Our duty. Our purpose. Not fulfilled. Well, maybe NEXT TIME. Next time? What did you say? " I said." WAKE UP! We get another chance. We're born. We die. but We are like the seed from the tree. Many are born. But only a few grow. Such an abundance from nature. Even a surplus Possibly a waste. But only a glimmer of possibility. What did you say? "I said." WAKE UP! Pay attention. To become the tree You must first realize That you are first the seed. And That You Are Falling. Before you reach the Earth you know your mission. WAKE UP! Man is born and re-born. And never really grows. But the possibility to grow is there. Nature gives to man. We must make an effort. Staying awake all the time Is an effort. But look at the reward. If you were awake You Would Never Have Fallen WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
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