Happy New Year!
Here is what’s coming in 2020. The spiritual revolution will finally manifest. On January 12,2020, Pluto, Saturn, Sun and Mercury will all be at 22*+ (sun almost 22*)sidereal in Sagittarius plus Jupiter will be at 9*18’ of Sagittarius conjunct the south node of the moon 8* 24’. According to astronomers the center of the galaxy is situated within the sign. Sagittarius represents philosophy, religion, the higher mind and the meaning of life. The Sign of Sagittarius is the Archer with his bow pointed to heaven and a new direction. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter the most expansive planet and is now back home in its own sign after 12 years. Sagittarius is the natural 9th house with the near same energies as the sign. This is the time to let go of the outdated, antiquated and purely erroneous tropical astrological system which is perpetuating confusion, separateness and duality in the already totally dysfunctional 3rd dimensional reality of planet earth. Pluto symbolizes death and regeneration. Saturn symbolizes hidden power, dominance and change. Saturn has a symbol made up of the cross of matter which represents reality. Mercury is the activator and rules the mind. It sweeps over the Sun, Pluto and Saturn and lights their fuses igniting the transformative spiritual energies of the sign they are in. The Sun, the giver of life represents our conscious mind, our will to live and our creative life force and ego. Now look at the energetic mix of these celestial bodies on January 12th which is a BIG DEAL. This is the real reality. These energies are the death blow to Mr. Trump who is the opposite of everything this energetic combination represents. With every ending comes a new beginning. Trump is exiting the stage along with his corrupt and crooked ilk. He is the 45th president of the United States and 4+5=9 which represents the ending, the Omega point. The Alpha begins on the 12th. The Alpha and Omega day. The “beginning and the ending.” All these celestial bodies will bec conjuncting my natal moon in Sagittarius 25*42’ in my 8th house of growth, new beginning and rebirth of the soul. The 8th house is an equal opportunity house placing death, rebirth and sex on the same energetic playing field. The 8th house rules inheritances and legacies. “The meek( those that are modest and kind) shall inherit the earth.” The sun, Pluto, Saturn and Mercury are exactly inconjunct, ie, 150* to my natal Uranus in Taurus 22* 35’. Uranus is the sign of sudden occurrences. All in a master # 22 year of 2020. 22 Sun 22 Mercury 22 Pluto 22 saturn 22 2020 22 Uranus 22* Taurus Bruce was born 1948=22 when Saturn and Pluto were also in conjunction. “What goes around comes around.” Most likely nothing noteworthy will be in the news on the 12th. Just know that the shift in consciousness is now firmly rooted. It is up to humanity to step up and move forward in change. Please visit: www.TheCenterForWorldPeace.Love Bruce
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