It looks like I have been given the green light from "above!" Last year when I threw the first hexagram I had two changing lines. Nine at the beginning said: "Here the light giving force is still hidden beneath the earth and therefore has no effect. In terms of human affairs, this symbolizes a great man who is still unrecognized...he bides his wait in the calm strength of patience. THE TIME WILL FULFILL ITSELF...the main thing is not to expend one's powers prematurely in an attempt to obtain by force something for which the time is not ripe."
It's interesting that in Ch'ien The Creative page 5 there is a footnote to: "In relation to the human sphere, this shows how the great man brings peace and security to the world through his activity in creating order. 'He towers high above the multitude of beings, and all lands are united in peace.' Footnote 5. "On the religious side Li meant the observance with true piety of the ritual through which the "will of heaven (28) was interpreted and made to prevail on earth...Li was the CORNERSTONE upon which Confucius built in his effort to bring order out of chaos in his era.'" On the blog, I quote from I Am Back- How A Soul Reincarnates page 131. "The Christ will reappear at a time of chaos and great difficulty." Alice Baily from The Reappearance of the Christ 1948(the year of my rebirth and that of Israel. "All astrologers will agree that with the Sun trine Pluto there is an ability to restore order from chaos." I Ching- "His activity in creating order." Confucius-"To bring order out of chaos in his era" Alice Bailey-"The Christ will reappear at a time of great chaos..." Sun trine Pluto- " ability to restore order from chaos." "Li (the will of heaven meant to prevail on earth) is the CORNERSTONE upon which Confucious built in his effort to bring order out of chaos..." 1000 BCE: Psalm 118:22-"The stone that the builders rejected has become the CORNERSTONE." Luke 20:17-33 AD-"But he looked directly at them and said, "What then is this that is written: "The stone that the builders rejected has become the CORNERSTONE." Acts 4:11-"This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the CORNERSTONE." There are 57 Bible verses about the CORNERSTONE. Now, the Creative Heaven has spoken to me and says all systems are go. Holy cow. I'm going to be 70 on April 2nd. It's about "time." "The idea of duration both in and beyond time...this duration of time is the image of the power inherent in the Creative...The holy man, who understands the mysteries of creation...for him the meaning of time is that in it the stages of growth can unfold in clear sequence. He is mindful at every moment...Because he sees with great clarity causes and effects and completes the six steps at the right time and mounts toward heaven at the right time...and brings about all phenomena in time... "He bides his time...the time will fulfill itself." I Ching My Past Life As Jesus / 2001 page 176. "Jesus had to bring about right timing." Sun trine Saturn: " Bruce has a knack for doing the right thing at the right time." . "...will reappear at a time of chaos..." Bailey "who understands the mysteries of creation." I Ching Moon in the 8th house-" Strong sensitivity to unseen forces." Uranus conjunct the ascendant-"Able to tap a super conscious level of knowledge." Mars conjunct Pluto-"Tremendous energy and power in actions and his great power of regeneration will make possible a spiritual leadership in improving the affairs of humanity; because of his spiritual reserves he is able to tap the energy of universal power." Pluto in the 3rd house-"Being responsible for secret and exclusive information pertaining to matters of great importance. What Bruce thinks and communicates will have serious consequences." Saturn conjunct Pluto-"Bruce's ideas and projects will have a transforming effect upon the world because of his ability to channel spiritual powers through structured systems." I have "bided my time." I have "waited in the calm strength of patience." The "time is now ripe" and "will fulfill itself." It's almost "time."
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